Friday, 21 November 2014

Mark Chapter 5

Chapter 5 begins with Jesus in the land of the Gerasenes. These are gentile people and not Jewish.
As soon as he gets out of the boat he is met by a man with an unclean siprit within him. Again the recognition of Jesus as the Son of God is made quite clear by the possessed man. 'What have you to do with me Jesus Son of the Most High God?' he shouts. Once more Jesus is most clearly identified by a disturbed ma. What are we to make of this? Are only disturbed people able to recognise Jesus or are they less conscious of saying the thing that would make them unpopular with others and especially the religious professionals of that day? Another indicator of the location as Gentile is the presence of pigs. Under Jewish dietary rules pig meat could not be eaten but among Gentiles there were no such rules.

The spirits as to be released and driven into the pigs. This is done as Jesus heals the man and immediately the pigs jump off a cliff and are killed below. This represents a considerable loss for the farmers involved. The swineherds ran off to tell the farmners what had happened. Jesus is begged to leave the place because he has caused such loss. Jesus gets back in the boat and starts to leave. The healed man wants to go with Him. Jesus will not let this happen. Instead he tells the man to go back to his people and tell everyone what has happened. This is the first time we hear Jesus encourage someone to tell others. Why is this? Why is a Gentile singled out for the role as the first missionary of Jesus? Other disturbed people had been told to be quite in the presence of Jesus but not this man. Why the change? What is happening?

Again Jesus does the commute on the lake. He is now back in Jewish territory. By the lake there is a great crowd. There are now two stories of faith. There is the faith of Jairus, a leader in the synagogue. Is Jairus a Pharassee? We do not know but he is someome at the very heart of Jewish religious life. He comes to jesus and pleads for the life of his daughter who is ill. Jesus tells him not to fear, only believe. He's on his way to Jairus house when there is a disturbance. A woman who is suffering from a hemorrage for many years reaches out and touches His clothes. Immediately she is cured. Jesus knows that something has happened so he asks 'Who touched me?' The woman comes forward somewhat worried that she had done something wrong but Jesus commends her for her faith. It has made her well.

While this is happening Jairus is told that his child has died. It is too late. Jesus words are clear. 'Do not fear only believe'. The faith of the woman was now being demanded of Jairus. Jesus goes to the house and after he removes those who are ritually mourning for the child he goes inside. In one of the gentlest scenes from the life of Jesus we hear Him call her 'little girl get up'. He takes her by the hand and she is restored to life. Jesus warns them to tell no one about this. This last passage is Jesus first interaction with women through healing. Is there anything different about these healing or anything that is similar to other healings. Why are there differences of approach in the Gentile lands compared to Jewish territories?

This chapter teaches us much about faith and indicates the need for belief in healings by Jesus.

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